Bully Bash Mac OS

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  1. Mac Os Versions
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  3. Bully Bash Mac Os X

If you are using Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), click the Downloads icon displayed on the browser. In Mozilla, choose Tools Downloads. To open the uninstaller, double-click it in the Downloads window. Note: If the Flash Player installer window does not appear, choose Go Desktop in the Finder. Scroll down to the Devices section and click Uninstall. A FINAL UDPATE: For anyone struggling with compiling from source, as of September 29th, Apple has officially released patches for Mac OS X 10.9.5, 10.8.5 as well as 10.7.5: OS X bash Update 1.0 – OS X Mavericks; OS X bash Update 1.0 – OS X Mountain Lion; OS X bash Update 1.0 - OS X Lion. How to edit your.bashprofile. For the newly initiated, here's how you can edit the.bashprofile on your Mac. Step 1: Fire up Terminal.app. Step 2: Type nano.bashprofile – This command will open the.bashprofile document (or create it if it doesn't already exist) in the easiest to use text editor in Terminal – Nano. Yo guys let's try and get 5+ likes! Read description for more Hope you guys enjoyed Like always, like comment and subscribe! Clans: Element Editors (Founde.

Apple has announced that in macOS 10.15 Catalina the default shell will be zsh.

In this series, I will document my experiences moving bash settings, configurations, and scripts over to zsh.

  • Part 1: Moving to zsh (this article)
  • Part 2: Configuration Files
  • Part 3: Shell Options
  • Part 4: Aliases and Functions
  • Part 5: Completions
  • Part 6: Customizing the zsh Prompt
  • Part 7: Miscellanea
  • Part 8: Scripting zsh

zsh (I believe it is pronounced zee-shell, though zish is fun to say) will succeed bash as the default shell. bash has been the default shell since Mac OS X 10.3 Panther.

This series has grown into a book: reworked and expanded with more detail and topics. Like my other books, I plan to update and add to it after release as well, keeping it relevant and useful. You can order it on the Apple Books Store now.


The bash binary bundled with macOS has been stuck on version 3.2 for a long time now. bash v4 was released in 2009 and bash v5 in January 2019. The reason Apple has not switched to these newer versions is that they are licensed with GPL v3. bash v3 is still GPL v2.

zsh, on the other hand, has an ‘MIT-like' license, which makes it much more palatable for Apple to include in the system by default. zsh has been available as on macOS for a long time. The zsh version on macOS 10.14 Mojave is fairly new (5.3). macOS 10.15 Catalina has the current zsh 5.7.1.

Is bash gone!?


macOS Catalina still has the same /bin/bash (version 3.2.57) as Mojave and earlier macOS versions. This change is only for new accounts created on macOS Catalina. When you upgrade to Catalina, a user's default shell will remain what it was before.

Many scripts in macOS, management systems, and Apple and third party installers rely on /bin/bash. If Apple just yanked this binary in macOS 10.15 Catalina or even 10.16. Many installers and other solutions would break and simply cease to function.

Users that have /bin/bash as their default shell on Catalina will see a prompt at the start of each Terminal session stating that zsh is now the recommended default shell. If you want to continue using /bin/bash, you can supress this message by setting an environment variable in your .bash_profile or .bashrc.

You can also download and install a newer version of bash yourself. Keep in mind that custom bash installations reside in a different directory, usually /usr/local/bin/bash.

Will bash remain indefinitely?

Apple is strongly messaging that you should switch shells. This is different from the last switch in Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, when Apple switched the default to bash, but didn't really care if you remained on tcsh. In fact, tcsh is still present on macOS.

Apple's messaging should tell us, that the days of /bin/bashare numbered. Probably not very soon, but eventually keeping a more than ten year old version of bash on the system will turn into a liability. The built-in bash had to be patched in 2014 to mitigate the ‘Shellshock' vulnerability. At some point Apple will consider the cost of continued maintenance too high.

Another clue is that a new shell appeared on macOS Catalina (and is mentioned in the support article). The ‘Debian Almquist Shell' dash has been added to the lineup of shells. dash is designed to be a minimal implementation of the Posix standard shell sh. So far, in macOS (including Catalina),sh invokes bash in sh-compatibility mode.

As Apple's support article mentions, Catalina also adds a new mechanism for users and admins to change which shell handles sh invocations. MacAdmins or users can change the symbolic link stored in /var/select/sh to point to a shell other than /bin/bash. This changes which shell interprets scripts the #!/bin/sh shebang or scripts invoked with sh -c. Changing the interpreter for sh should not, but may change the behavior of several crucial scripts in the system, management tools, and in installers, but may be very useful for testing purposes.

All of these changes are indicators that Apple is preparing to remove /bin/bash at some, yet indeterminate, time in the future.

Do I need to wait for Catalina to switch to zsh?

No, zsh is available Mojave and on older macOS versions. You can start testing zsh or even switch your default shell already.

If you want to just see how zsh works, you can just open Terminal and type zsh:

The main change you will see is that the prompt looks different. zsh uses the % character as the default prompt. (You can change that, of course.) Most navigation keystrokes and other behaviors will remain the same as in bash.

If you want to already switch your default shell to zsh you can use the chsh command:

This will prompt for your password. This command will not change the current shell, but all new ones, so close the current Terminal windows and tabs and open a new one.

How is zsh different?

Like bash (‘Bourne again shell' ), zshderives from the ‘Bourne' family of shells. Because of this common ancestry, it behaves very similar in day-to-day use. The most obvious change will be the different prompt.

The main difference between bash and zsh is configuration. Since zsh ignores the bash configuration files (.bash_profile or .bashrc) you cannot simply copy customized bash settings over to zsh. zsh has much more options and points to change zsh configuration and behavior. There is an entire eco-system of configuration tools and themes called oh-my-zsh which is very popular.

zsh also offers better configuration for auto-completion which is far easier than in bash.

I am planning a separate post, describing how to transfer (and translate) your configurations from bash to zsh.

What about scripting?

Mac Os Versions

Since zsh has been present on macOS for a long time, you could start moving your scripts from bash to zsh right away and not lose backwards compatibility. Just remember to set the shebang in your scripts to #!/bin/zsh.

You will gain some features where zsh is superior to bash v3, such as arrays and associative arrays (dictionaries).

There is one exception where I would now recommend to use /bin/sh for your scripts: the Recovery system does not contain the /bin/zsh shell, even on the Catalina beta. This could still change during the beta phase, or even later, but then you still have to consider older macOS installations where zsh is definitely not present in Recovery.


When you plan to use your scripts or pkgs with installation scripts in a Recovery (or NetInstall, or bootable USB drive) context, such as Twocanoes MDS, installr or bootstrappr, then you cannot rely on /bin/zsh.

Since we now know that bash is eventually going away, the only common choice left is /bin/sh.

When you build an installer package, it can be difficult to anticipate all the contexts in which it might be deployed. So, for installation pre- and postinstall scripts, I would recommend using /bin/sh as the shebang from now on.

I used to recommend using /bin/bash for everything MacAdmin related. /bin/sh is definitely a step down in functionality, but it seems like the safest choice for continued support.


Overall, while the messaging from Apple is very interesting, the change itself is less dramatic than the headlines. Apple is not ‘replacing' bash with zsh, at least not yet. Overall, we will have to re-think and re-learn a few things, but there is also much to be gained by finally switching from a ten-year-old shell to a new modern one!


In the next part we will look at the configuration files for zsh.

I've spent years curating a collection of Mac bash aliases and shortcuts to make my life easier. My full .bash_profile is below, feel free to take whatever you find useful and put it to good use.

A (very) quick primer on .bash_profile for Mac Users

There is a hidden file in your Mac's user directory named .bash_profile. This file is loaded before Terminal loads your shell environment and contains all the startup configuration and preferences for your command line interface. Within it you can change your terminal prompt, change the colors of text, add aliases to functions you use all the time, and so much more.

This file is often called a ‘dot file' because the ‘.' at the beginning of it's name makes it invisible in the Mac Finder. You can view all invisible files in the Terminal by typing ls -al in any directory.

How to edit your .bash_profile

For the newly initiated, here's how you can edit the .bash_profile on your Mac.

Step 1: Fire up Terminal.app

Step 2: Type nano .bash_profile – This command will open the .bash_profile document (or create it if it doesn't already exist) in the easiest to use text editor in Terminal – Nano.

Step 3: Now you can make a simple change to the file. Paste these lines of code to change your Terminal prompt.

Step 4: Now save your changes by typing ctrl +o Hit return to save. Then exit Nano by typing ctrl+x

Step 5: Now we need to *activate your changes. Type source .bash_profile and watch your prompt change.

My .bash_profile

I have been compiling my own set of aliases and configurations for years in which time I have borrowed copiously from others who have made their aliases available online. I can claim credit for very little of what follows. I recently became aware of alias.sh, a site making sharing BASH aliases easy. Check it out.

Update: Due to popular demand, my bash profile is now available as a Gist for your forking pleasure.

Mac Os Download

Without further ado, here is my .bash_profile:

Update: If you enjoyed this post, you might also like:

Bully Bash Mac Os X

  • A collection of Bash scripting utilities I compiled to make custom Bash programming easier.

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